Wednesday 31 December 2014

Resolutions for the New Year

Happy New Year!!

Every year, I make a huuuge list of resolutions that I expect myself to keep up for a whole 365 days. This never works, of course. It's too much to expect of anyone!

The most common resolutions include:

1. Losing weight and getting fit (which usually involves crazy diets, or expensive gym memberships which are long since forgotten by mid February...)

2. Quitting smoking (addictions are hard to shake - people tend to fall off the wagon once, lose heart, and completely give up on the whole idea)

3. Becoming stress-free (is that even possible, outside of a Buddhist monastery in Tibet?)

And many, many more of course!

What's the point in choosing a whole bunch of resolutions which are hard enough to keep one at a time?

This year, I'm choosing a maximum of 3 resolutions, just to make it easier on myself. Nothing too impossible, just things which are important to me.

My three are:

1.  To gain confidence.
I don't need to become a really outgoing, life-of-the-party kind of girl - that's not going to happen any time soon. I'd just like to be able to talk to people in my year at school without feeling the need to run away.

2. To read 16 new books.
This one's quite simple; I love reading, so I'll read one new book for every year of my life so far. I've actually already started this one. It began on my birthday, earlier in December, and will end on my seventeenth birthday.

3. Document my year on this blog.
I don't have a journal, nor do I take enough photos of special memories, so hopefully this blog will nicely combine both things. This is somewhere where I can be totally myself, like a journal, except anonymous.

I'm genuinely really excited for 2015, and I hope you are too! Happy New Year. I hope it's a good one for you!!

Phoenix x

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